Emmaus Road Fellowship is a fellowship of Christian believers who gather in the Mount Druitt area, in Sydney, on Tuesday nights to go through the Bible together. It is through the Bible that we are able to learn more about Jesus Christ, the only “name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
It is our hope that Emmaus Road Fellowship will be an ongoing witness to the area through both evangelism and fellowship.
Mafutaga i le Auala i Emau.
Ose mafutaga o tagata Kerisiano, o loo faaauau le latou aoga Tusi Paia I le pitonuu o Mount Druitt, ile po aso lua ole vaiaso. Ua na’o le Tusi Paia, ua tatou iloa ai Le Keriso Iesu, auā “E leai se isi igoa i lalo o le lagi ‘ua foa‘iina mai i tagata e mafai ‘ona fa‘aolaina ai i tatou.” (Galuega 4:12)
O le faamoemoe o lenei mafutaga, ole auala I Emau, ina ia talai atu le Tala Lelei ia Iesu Keriso I nuu ese, ma mafuta i tagata ole Atua, I le pitonuu o Mount Druitt.
Where We Meet:
Emmaus Road Fellowship meet on Tuesday Night between 7:30-9:00pm in The Rooftop at Mount Druitt Westfields.
The entrance to The Rooftop is via the Escalator at the Westfields entrance, opposite Rashay’s and accessible from Luxford Road.
What We’re Currently Reading:
We are currently going through the Gospel of Luke, and utilising the resource:

Luke, Volume 1: Knowing for Sure (Chapters 1–10)
A 13-Lesson Study by Jon Nielson and Philip Graham Ryken.
You can find more about this study booklet here.
What We Believe:
We subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This means we view the Bible through the lens of this confession. This does not mean we hold this confession to be above the Bible, but that the Confession helpfully summarises what is taught within the Bible.
Only The Bible (Scripture) is the ultimate standard of the Christian faith, as the confession itself recognises:
The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience. (Ch. 1.1)
In fact, it recognises that nothing else is to be placed on equal footing to the Bible:
The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down or necessarily contained in the Holy Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelation of the Spirit, or traditions of men. (Ch. 1.6)
We believe that creeds and confessions, as exemplified in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 A.D.), the Apostles’ Creed (c. 5th Century), and the 1677/1689 London Baptist Confession help act as faithful guides of what the Bible teaches, and connects us with two millennia of Christians who have gone before us.
For more information on the 1689 LBCF, click here.